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While we may spend hours on websites, statistics, goals and marketing, how much time do you put aside for yourself? While you may believe in the product, do you believe in yourself to do that? While we get overwhelmed by being our own boss and what stress it throws at you, you are probably not aware and present of how much control you have over this. In this workshop you will experience your own thought processes and how it affects your daily working life in a profound way.

Mindfulness has become a buzz word in the business world and companies are now installing meditation rooms in there offices.  Scientific research has dramatically increased over the last few years on how mindfulness benefits productivity, personal well-being and resilience. During this interactive session we will see how to use mindfulness in the workplace as well as for personal use, leaving you feeling relaxed, refreshed and abundant. The session will be facilitated by mindful consultant Amaranatho from Mindfulness out of the box. He is a former Buddhist monk with 20 years experience of mindfulness, leadership, personal development and applying this in the business world.

This workshop is free and sponsored by Place to work

7th September 2016 7pm book here

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